Relationships are where the light gets in.
We cannot live without relationships. We are born into them. Babies dependant on another to survive. Relationships are where the wounds are inflicted and also where the capacity to heal lies. They are a stage, over and over again for us to reenact our needs in an attempt to get them met, or to stay…
Read MoreThe Tide.
A really useful visual tool for anxious thoughts. Close your eyes and imagine the waves pulling in and out of the shore. They always come back. And as long as they always come back everything is always fleeting. Try and imagine your thoughts in this same way. Moveable and evolving. As tough and unmanageable…
Read MoreAnxiety and Me.
Anxiety isn’t a feeling, it’s the avoidance of a feeling. The attempt to discount or run away or remove ourselves from a feeling. I think the word ‘anxiety’ has become overused and therefore also misunderstood. I certainly didn’t understand it or my own relationship to it for a long while. Leaning into my own relationship…
Read MoreReclaim Your Life After Major Changes: A Guide to Thriving Amidst Change
Image via Pexels Reclaim Your Life After Major Changes: A Guide to Thriving Amidst Change While life’s frequent changes can often be quite challenging, they also offer us plenty of opportunities for growth. Whether it’s a career shift, a move to a new city, or a personal transformation, these major life changes often shape us in profound…
Read MoreHow to choose a Therapist (the short hand version).
**Because we start life connected to our mothers the eternal struggle is the need for connection versus the need for independence….we are hard wired for connection** Relationships are the most powerful tool for psychological health we have at our disposal. Finding a therapist you want to have a relationship with is really essential and vital…
Read MoreDance
…you can do it like it’s a great weight on you or you can do it like it’s part of the dance…
Read MoreLife Scripts.
Written by Katy Lee. ‘Each person decides in early childhood how he will live and how he will die, and that plan, which he carries in his head wherever he goes, is called his script.’ (Berne, E, What Do You Say After You Say Hello? 1972, p31) The theory of script, as developed by Eric Berne and his…
Read MoreYes, I’ve tried ginger…
I wrote this article for publication in a health magazine several years ago. I thought it worth posting again here for anyone who might be struggling in pregnancy. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a rare disorder characterized by severe and persistent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that may necessitate hospitalization. It hit around week five…
Read MoreGetting Back on Track: What to Do After Relapse
A guest blog by Kimberly Hayes Getting Back on Track: What to Do After Relapse For many on the journey to recovery, there may be stumbles. Sometimes, relapse is a part of the path to sobriety. It isn’t a failure. It’s a moment to learn more about yourself. If you have relapsed, this…
Read MoreAlternative Recovery Methods For Addiction.
Alternative Recovery Methods For Addiction. A guest blog by Kimberly Hayes. The most popular recovery method for addiction in the United States is, by far, the 12-step program. Designed by Alcoholics Anonymous, the 12 steps are highly religious in focus and involve accepting yourself as an addict for life. While this has worked well for many…
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